產地 | 進口、國產 |
保存條件 | 低溫冷藏 |
品牌 | 聯祖 |
貨號 | LZ-R3692 |
用途 | 公司產品僅用于科研 |
檢測方法 | elisa |
CAS編號 | |
保質期 | 詳見說明書 |
適應物種 | 詳見說明書 |
檢測限 | 馬鈴薯、鹿、羊、雞、鴨、魚、人、大鼠、小鼠、豚鼠、倉鼠、裸鼠、兔子、豬、犬、猴、馬、牛等 |
數量 | 51 |
包裝規格 | 48T/96T |
標記物 | 詳見說明書 |
純度 | 詳見說明書% |
樣本 | Rat?phospholipase A2?(PL-A2)?ELISA Kit |
應用 | 用于測定血清,血漿及相關液體等樣本。 |
是否進口 | 是 |
40 ng/L,5號標準品,150μl的原倍標準品加入150μl標準品稀釋液
20 ng/L,4號標準品,150μl的5號標準品加入150μl標準品稀釋液
10 ng/L,3號標準品,150μl的4號標準品加入150μl標準品稀釋液
5 ng/L,2號標準品,150μl的3號標準品加入150μl標準品稀釋液
2.5 ng/L,1號標準品,150μl的2號標準品加入150μl標準品稀釋液
大鼠磷脂酶A2(PL-A2)elisa試劑盒48T/96T英文名稱:Rat phospholipase A2 (PL-A2) ELISA KitELISA試劑為我司主營產品之一,產品皆嚴格按照相關標準進行 ,并經過了嚴格地反復地檢測,我們以嚴謹的態度保證產品的質量,從而保證您的實驗順利進行。產品供貨周期短,供貨及時,且我司還提供完整的售前和售后服務。別名:大鼠磷脂酶A2(PL-A2)elisa檢測試劑盒產品規格:48T/96T。
英文名稱:Rat phospholipase A2 (PL-A2) ELISA Kit
規格 :48T/96T
(4)陰性對照孔每孔加入PBS 50μl,樣品孔及空白孔每孔加入1:500稀釋的兔抗人AIF抗體工作液50μl。
(7)每孔加1:5000稀釋的HRP-標記的山羊抗兔抗體工作液 100μl。
(10)每孔加TMB顯色液 100μl,輕輕混勻10s,置37℃暗處反應15-20min。
(11)每孔加100μl 2mol/L H2SO4終止反應。
(12)分別測450nm 吸光值W1和630nm吸光值W2,zui終測得的OD值為兩者之差(W1-W2),以減少由容器上的劃痕或指印等造成的光干擾。
(13)數據處理:在得出標本(S)和陰性對照(N)的 OD值后,計算S/N值。S/N≥2.1為陽性判定標準。
2. 濃洗滌液可能會有結晶析出,稀釋時可在水浴中加溫助溶,洗滌時不影響結果。
3. 各步加樣均應使用加樣器,并經常校對其準確性,以避免試驗誤差。一次加樣時間控制在5分鐘內,如標本數量多,推薦使用排槍加樣。
4. 請每次測定的同時做標準曲線,做復孔。如標本中待測物質含量過高(樣本OD值大于標準品孔
5. 封板膜只限一次性使用,以避免交叉污染。
6. 底物請避光保存。
7. 嚴格按照說明書的操作進行,試驗結果判定必須以酶標儀讀數為準.
8. 所有樣品,洗滌液和各種廢棄物都應按傳染物處理。
9. 本試劑不同批號組分不得混用。
焦磷酸鈉 四元 十水合物anti- CALML4 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
二氧化錳anti- CALML5 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
硫酸錳 一水合物anti- CALML6 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
氯化鈉anti- Calmodulin antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
氯化鍶 六水合物anti- CALN1 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
磷酸鈉 十二水(TSP)anti- Calnexin antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
無水磷酸三鈉anti- Calpain 1 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
磷酸氫二鈉 無水anti- Calpain 11 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
磷酸氫二鉀 無水anti- Calpain 2 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
溴化鉀anti- Calpain 3 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
溴化銫anti- Calpain 3 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
乙酸鋰anti- Calpain 6 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
碘化鉀anti- Calpain 7 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
硫酸鋅 七水合物anti- Calpain 9 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
精細化學合成砌塊anti- Calpain S2 antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
1-氨基-2-丁醇anti- Calpastatin antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
N-(4-氨基丁基)乙酰胺anti- Calponin antibodyPBS with 0.02% sodium azide and 50% glycerol pH 7.3,-20℃ for 12 months(Avoid repeated freeze / thaw cycles.)Immunogen affinity purified
大鼠磷脂酶A2(PL-A2)elisa試劑盒48T/96T檸檬馬杜拉放線菌Human TNNT3(Troponin T, fast skeletal muscle) ELISA KitAlias TNNT3|TroponinT|fastskeletalmuscle|TnTf|Beta-TnTF|FastskeletalmuscletroponinT|fTnTELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 15.625-1000pg/mlSensitivity 9.375pg/ml
檸檬鏈霉菌Human RAB11A(Ras-related protein Rab-11A) ELISA KitAlias RAB11A|Ras-relatedproteinRab-11A|Rab-11|YL8|RAB11ELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 0.781-50ng/mlSensitivity 0.469ng/ml
擬諾卡氏菌屬菌種Human RELB(Transcription factor RelB) ELISA KitAlias RELB(V-RelReticuloendotheliosisViralOncogeneHomologB)|IREL|I-Rel|nuclearfactorofkappalightpolypeptidegeneenhancerinB-cells3|v-relreticuloendotheliosisviraloncogenehomologB|TranscriptionfactorRelBELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 0.156-10ng/mlSensitivity 0.094ng/ml
奈良鏈霉菌Human UCHL1(Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1) ELISA KitAlias UCHL1|PARK5|PGP9.5|Neuroncytoplasmicprotein9.5|PGP95|ubiquitincarboxyl-terminalesteraseL1(ubiquitinthiolesterase)|ubiquitinC-terminalhydrolase|UbiquitinthioesteraseL1|UCH-L1ELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 78.125-5000pg/mlSensitivity 46.875pg/ml
納西桿菌屬菌種Human PA2G4(ProlifeRation-associated protein 2G4) ELISA KitAlias PA2G4(ProlifeRationAssociatedProtein2G4)|EBP1|HG4-1|Cellcycleproteinp38-2G4homolog|ErbB-3bindingprotein1|ErbB3-bindingprotein1|ErbB3-bindingproteinEbp1|p38-2G4|prolifeRation-associated2G4|38kD|prolifeRation-associatedprotein2G4ELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 0.313-20ng/mlSensitivity 0.188ng/ml
納米比亞馬杜拉放線菌Human PDXP(Pyridoxal phosphate phosphatase) ELISA KitAlias PDXP|Pyridoxalphosphatephosphatase|PLPphosphatase|Chronophin|CIN|PLP|PLPPELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 0.625-40ng/mlSensitivity 0.375ng/ml
那波鏈霉菌交沙霉素亞種Human OAS3(2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthase 3) ELISA KitAlias OAS3|2'-5'-oligoadenylatesynthase3|(2-5')oligo(A)synthase3|2-5Asynthase3|p100OAS|p100OAS|P|OKcl.4ELISAKitReactivity HumanRange 0.781-50ng/mlSensitivity 0.469ng/ml